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Childhood Obesity

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Childhood obesity
A more profound impact than just extra pounds

Childhood obesity not only affects the physical health of our children but also has a significant impact on their emotional and social development.

Children struggling with obesity may face challenges such as bullying and difficulty keeping up with their peers during play, which can negatively impact their self-esteem and social skills.

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Trusted Quality

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​AACI Accreditation

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Global Brand

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Investing in children's nutrition today is investing in their health and future

?What can we offer you

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Child Nutrition Consultations:

Providing consultation sessions with nutrition experts to create personalized, healthy dietary plans tailored to each child’s needs, promoting growth and metabolic balance.

Weight Loss Programs for Children:

Designing comprehensive programs aimed at improving the child’s lifestyle through precise nutritional assessments to ensure optimal results for your child.

Workshops for Parents and Children:

Organizing educational workshops for parents and children to raise awareness about healthy nutrition and the dangers of obesity, offering practical advice while debunking common misconceptions.

Balanced Meal Plans by Age:

Developing varied, healthy meal plans based on each child's nutritional needs, focusing on delivering all essential nutrients required for growth and achieving an ideal weight.

Nutritional Testing and Analysis:

Conducting tests for food allergies or DNA analysis to better understand the child's nutritional needs and address stubborn cases.

Customized Exercise Programs:

Designing enjoyable and age-appropriate physical activity programs to help children increase their activity levels in a fun and simple way from home.

Psychological and Behavioral Support:

Providing psychological and behavioral support for children struggling with obesity to boost their self-esteem, encourage them to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and protect them from lifelong unhealthy habits.

Regular Monitoring and Evaluation:

Offering regular follow-ups to assess the child’s progress and adjust the program as needed to achieve the desired results in the shortest time possible, while considering the child's psychological state during each visit.

Comprehensive Physical Health Screening:

Conducting routine medical examinations, including BMI, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure, to assess health risks associated with childhood obesity.

Start your child's nutritional care journey today

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