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One of the Best!

​Wellness By Design Medical Center

Your Health and Beauty Destination

Wellness By Design Medical Center is an American-based company, launched in Dubai in 2013 bringing in the latest and greatest of healthcare services, protocols, and concepts to be adopted in our different clinics and centers. Leading a highly customer-focused way of delivering our services and treatments, and ensuring the client's satisfaction is always exceeding expectations ensuring that we give our clients the best experience ever.

Wellness By Design Medical Center at DHCC

Our Story

Our clinic and team follow high level standards that are qualified by our main branch in USA and adopt a special protocol been implemented in wellness by design Alabama branch, allowing them to fill the gap and the growing needs in our community for a nutrition centre that offers professional educated counselling. Using up to date tools and methodologies such as special body analyser, blood tests and gene test we are able to offer very specific, customized, precise and effective dietary approach.

Board Members

Wellness By Design Medical Center at DHCC

Bassam Hakeem


Wellness By Design Medical Center at DHCC

Dr. Lama Al-Naeli

Co-Founder and Director

Wellness By Design Medical Center at DHCC

Dr Hisham Hakeem


Global Advisory Board Members

Wellness By Design Medical Center at DHCC

Dr. Yaseer Yassin Malas

Advisory Board Members

Wellness By Design Medical Center at DHCC

Dr. Provsenli Plevenska

Advisory Board Members

Wellness By Design Medical Center at DHCC

Dr. Melissa Simon MD, MPH

Advisory Board Members

Wellness By Design Medical Center at DHCC

Dr. Jerry M. Trimm, PHD

Advisory Board Members

Wellness By Design Medical Center at DHCC

Dr. Gerald J. Joseph M.Ed.

Advisory Board Members

Wellness By Design Medical Center at DHCC

Dr. Thomas Clark

Advisory Board Members


Our Partners

Wellness By Design - Best Quality by Allurion
Novotel and Wellness By Design Medical Center
GENOVA with Wellness By Design Medical Center
Wellness By Design Medical Center - European wellness
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